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A working group is studying student dormitories

bez imeni 1

In anticipation of the start of the new academic year, one of the first issues on the agenda is the provision of student housing, which is receiving great attention from all relevant officials.

The issue of ensuring timely and high-quality implementation of the tasks set by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 4, 2023 No. 376 “On measures to improve the system of providing housing for students of higher educational institutions” was considered by the heads of responsible organizations at a meeting of the khokimiyat of the Tashkent region.

It was noted that student dormitories in 14 higher educational institutions in the region were increased to 22, which made it possible to accommodate 8,460 students; currently there is a need for additional student dormitories. In accordance with the decision of the analytical and critical meeting on this issue, a working group was created that will study the issue locally.

In order to study the conditions created in the student dormitories of the Almalyk branch of TSTU, a working group consisting of representatives of responsible officials got acquainted with the student dormitory No. 1 of the branch in the city of Akhangaran and the building of the new dormitory of the Faculty of Mining Engineering under construction. Members of the working group made relevant recommendations based on their areas of focus.

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