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Acceptance of documents at AF TSTU

qabul 2024

The admissions committee of the Almalyk branch of the Islam Karimov TSTU will begin accepting documents from applicants recommended for study in the 2024-2025 academic year from August 26 of this year.

The applicant submits the following documents to the admissions committee of the higher educational institution:


2️⃣ Originals of a document on completion of general secondary education (based on grade 11) or a document on completion of a secondary special, vocational educational institution and annex to it;

3️⃣ 4 copies of passport (birth certificate for persons under 16 years of age);

4️⃣Color photograph size 3.5 x 4.5 cm 4 pcs.;

5️⃣The original document giving the right to preferential admission in accordance with the law;

6️⃣Persons belonging to the category of orphans and blind children, children under the age of 18 living and being raised in “orphanages”, whose fathers and mothers died or were declared dead by a court decision. who are fully supported by the state, submit supporting documents.

7️⃣Paper folder (folder with cord) 1 pc.

8️⃣Envelope (A4 format) 1 pc.

The application form is determined by the higher education institution.

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