Tashmatov Ravshan
Job title: Head of the department
Science degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences (PhD)
Accepting days: Working days from 9:00 to 17:00
Phone: +99890 975 87 47
- History of the department
- Scientific work carried out at the department
- Methodical manuals
- Methodological guidance
- General classification of bachelor’s and master’s degrees
History of the department:
In 2017, the Almalyk branch of the Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov was formed.
- TOpulpit”Technological machines and equipment”created in the 2022-2023 academic year.The head of the department was appointedDoctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences (PhD). A.A. Yusupov.
- Since February 2024, he has been appointed and is currently working as the head of the department Tashmatov Ravshan and the department is taught by 8 full-timeand part-time 11professors-teachers:
Scientific work carried out at the department:
Every year, employees of the department publish in Republican and foreign journalsarticles based on the results of research conducted in the laboratory of the department and in production conditions. Employees of the department take part in various industry,Republican and international conferences. Based on the research results, 3 Intellectual Property Certificates were obtained. The main direction of scientific research is improving the technology for restoring the dimensions of worn parts and strengthening working surfaces using welding and surfacing methods, as well as increasing the efficiency of repair work.
Academic work:
Teachers of the department conduct lectures, seminars, practical and laboratory classes in the following disciplines: “Basic welding methods”, “Welding materials”, “Technology”and equipmentfusion welding”, “Weldingunder pressure”, “Controlwelding quality”,“Repair of technological machines and equipment”,”Welding metallurgy”, “ThreeBology and fundamentals of tribology”, “Main equipment of metallurgical production”, “Technologyand spraying equipment”, “Theory of welding processes”. EmployeesThe department has published 1 textbook, 4 teaching aids, 1 monograph and more than 10 guidelines.
1.By order of the rector of the Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov No. 01/9-05-952. from December 30, 2022, the publication of a textbook by a team of authors is permitted – Berdyev D.M., Yusupov A.A., Saidumarov B.M., Ibodullaev T.N. “Rolling and drawing technology”.The textbook has been publishedregistration number: 01-2022-0022.
2. According to the decision of the Academic Council of the Almalyk branch of TDTU named after. Islam Karim (protocol No. 11 of June 30, 2021), a textbook by the authors Rakhmonkulov R. and Sadullaev Z.Sh. was published. “Fundamentals of CNC Programming”.
3. According to the decision of the Academic Council of the Almalyk branch of TDTU named after. Islam Karim (protocol No. 10 of June 14, 2022) a textbook by the authors has been publishedSadullaeva Z.Sh., Boboeva H.H. and Mamirova Sh.Sh.. “Design and production of blanks in mechanical engineering”.
4. According to the decision of the Academic Council of the Almalyk branch of TDTU named after. Islam Karim (protocol No. 10 of June 14, 2022) a textbook by the authors has been publishedSadullaeva Z.Sh., Ergasheva M., Abdullaeva A.H., and Raufova L.M.“Repair, installation and operation of technological equipment”.
5. According to the decision of the Academic Council of the Almalyk branch of TDTU named after. Islam Karim (protocol No. 10 of June 19, 2023) a textbook by the authors has been publishedErgasheva M., andKhozhibekova Sh.M“Basic welding methods”.
The teachers of the department have developed the following guidelines:
1. Khudoykulov N.Z., Dunyashin N.S., Sadullaev Z.Sh., Abdukakhkharov A.A. Guidelines for completing a course project in the discipline “Production of Welded Structures.” Minutes of the Educational and Methodological Council of the Almalyk branch of the TDTU named after I. Karimov No. 7 dated March 30, 2023
2. Ergashev M., Abdukakhkharov A.A., Kenzhaev T.N.Methodological instructions for conducting practical classes ondiscipline “Welding materials”. Minutes of the Educational and Methodological Council of the Almalyk branch of the TDTU named after I. Karimov No. 10 dated June 18, 2023
3. Ermatov Z.D., Raufov L.M., Kendzhaev T.N., Komilov I.R. Guidelines for completing a course project in the discipline “Technology and Equipment of Fusion Welding.” Minutes of the Educational and Methodological Council of the Almalyk branch of the TDTU named after I. Karimov No. 7 dated March 30, 2023
4. N.S. Dunyashin, E.Yu. Zairkulov, D.S. Fozilov. Guidelines for completing a course project in the discipline “Welding under pressure.” Minutes of the Educational and Methodological Council of the Almalyk branch of the TDTU named after I. Karimov No. 7 dated March 30, 2023
5. Raufov L.M., Komilov I.R., Fazilov D.S., Nosirkhodzhaev I. Methodological instructions for conducting practical classes in the discipline “Welding under pressure”. Minutes of the Educational and Methodological Council of the Almalyk branch of the TDTU named after I. Karimov No. 10 dated June 18, 2023
6. Khudoykulov N.N., Fazilov D.S., Nasirkhodzhaev I.A. Guidelines for completing a course project in the discipline “Design and production of welded structures.” Minutes of the Educational and Methodological Council of the Almalyk branch of the TDTU named after I. Karimov No. 9 dated May 31, 2023.
7. Ermatov Z.D., Ergashev M., Khodzhibekova Sh.M., Methodological instructions for completing course work in the discipline “Basic welding methods” Protocol of the Educational and Methodological Council of the Almalyk branch of the TDTU named after I. Karimov. No. 7 dated March 30, 2023.
General classification of bachelor’s and master’s degrees:
Bachelor’s degree direction – 60720700 – “Technological machines and equipment” (mechanical engineering and metalworking).
Master’s degree specialty – 70720707 – “Technology and equipment of welding production.” Included in the State Standards of Continuing Education of Uzbekistan, State Standard of Higher Education.
The duration of full-time undergraduate study is 4 years.
Part-time study – 5 years.
Evening education – 4.5 years.
Master’s degree – 2 years.
Academic degree – “Bachelor” and “Master”.