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“Shish kebab battle” competition

📍Held at AF TSTU “Shashlyk Battle” ❓When: January 31 at 15:00. ❓Where: in the student dormitory of the Mining Faculty “New Uzbekistan”. 📍Responsible: Deputy Dean of the Faculty 📍We invite those interested to participate in the competition


Image of a woman leader

🔷Discussion among students on the topic “The image of a woman leader” ❓When: January 24 at 11:00. ❓Where: at the Faculty of Energy and Mechanical Engineering 🔷Responsible: Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Energy and Mechanical Engineering 🔷We invite all interested parties.

rahbar ayol

Dear teachers and students!

🔷These days, through the Telegram messenger, in various channels and groups, material is transmitted through a link called “Click” “The “Click” company transferred 2 million soums to my card. I installed their new application and I advise you to install it and receive money.” It’s a virus. Don’t open the …

Dear teachers and students! Read more


Dear students!

🔷The branch’s personal account in the contract payment agreement has changed from the current year. At this time, the contract excludes the account of a higher educational institution. 🔷Current time:🔷in the process of paying for the contract through banks or payment systems, the student is only required to pay for …

Dear students! Read more


Patriotic events

🔷What: events to familiarize yourself with the activities of defenders of the Fatherland based on the promotion of patriotic ideas 🔷When: January 12 at 12:00 🔷Where:🔷Faculty of Energy and Mechanical Engineering;🔷Faculty of Metallurgy and Chemical Technologies;🔷Faculty of Mining. 🔷Responsible: deputy deans of faculties 🔷Приглашаем всех преподавателей и студентов.

14 yanvar

The technological development marathon “TECHNOWAYS” started in the Almalyk branch of TSTU

The technological development marathon “TECHNOWAYS” will be held for the most TALENTED YOUNG PEOPLE in our industry! 🔷The goal of the marathon is to demonstrate the scientific and innovative potential of young people, identify promising projects in this area at the initial stage and fully support them. 🔷Deadline: 12/20/2023 🔷The …

The technological development marathon “TECHNOWAYS” started in the Almalyk branch of TSTU Read more

photo 2024 01 09 10 35 12

Attention to the team of the Almalyk branch of TSTU named after Islam Karimov!!!

With the onset of cold weather and the beginning of the winter season 2023-2024, a 24-hour duty headquarters was created in the branch. Central headquarters number:☎️+99870-61-3-13-40. Staff members:1.Head of the headquarters – director of the branch – head of civil protection Samadov A.U.☎️+99870613-81-93☎️+99899-858-72-12 2.Deputy Chief of Staff – Head of …

Attention to the team of the Almalyk branch of TSTU named after Islam Karimov!!! Read more


The most skillful chef

🔷At the Faculty of Energy and Mechanical Engineering of the AF TSTU, a competition “The most skillful cook” will be held among students in the student dormitory. 🔷The competition will take place on December 19 at 15:00. 🔷The competition will take place on December 19 at 15:00.

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