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Good luck, graduates of the AB TSTU!


Today, a ceremonial presentation of diplomas to graduates of the 2023-2024 academic year of the Almalyk branch of TSTU took place. The event was attended by graduates, their parents, branch management and honorary guests – rector of TSTU academician S.M. Turabdzhanov, deputy khokim of the Tashkent region Zh. Bobozhonov, deputy khokim of the city of Almalyk S. Akhmedov, deputy director of the OKMK Training Center M. Tagaev.

Speakers at the gala event entitled “The key to happiness is in science” wished the graduates of bachelor’s and master’s degrees good luck in their future work and noted that they have many new opportunities.

After this, the guests of honor solemnly presented the graduates with diplomas of their specialties. Parents and graduates who spoke at the event expressed their gratitude to the university staff and professors-mentors.

It should be noted that in the 2023-2024 academic year, 784 graduates graduated from the Almalyk branch of TSTU, of which 1 was the holder of a scholarship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, three holders of the state scholarship named after Islam Karimov and Beruni.

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