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Student life

Event on the theme “Treasure of two geniuses”

🔷The birthdays of our thinker, philosopher, poet Alisher Navoi and fiery creator, statesman Zakhiriddin Muhammad Babur are widely celebrated throughout the country. 🔷At the Faculty of Energy and Mechanical Engineering of the Almalyk branch of TSTU, an event was held on the topic “The ingenuity of two geniuses.” 🔷The personality …

Event on the theme “Treasure of two geniuses” Read more

navoiy 1

The international forum “Scientific Woman – a Mirror of Society” took place.

🔷It is known that February 11 is celebrated as the “International Day of Women and Girls in Science.” In this regard, scientific, practical, spiritual, educational and scientific events are being held throughout the republic to develop the potential of women and girls on the topic “A learned woman is a …

The international forum “Scientific Woman – a Mirror of Society” took place. Read more

olima ayollar

“The legacy of Alisher Navoi is a national treasure”

🔷The 583rd anniversary of the birth of the great thinker, poet, philosopher Hazrat Mir Alisher Navoi is widely celebrated throughout the country. Many literary, artistic, spiritual, educational and scientific conferences are held. 🔷At the Faculty of Mining of the Almalyk branch of TSTU, a literary and artistic event was held …

“The legacy of Alisher Navoi is a national treasure” Read more


Innovative achievements of the head of the Youth Academy Bekhzod Abdurafikov

🔷 Representative of the Akhangaran district of the Tashkent region, Bekhzod, born on August 30, 2001, is a methodologist with a higher education as a mechanical engineer from the Almalyk branch of the Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov. 🔷Bekhzod not only achieved scientific success in his field, …

Innovative achievements of the head of the Youth Academy Bekhzod Abdurafikov Read more


Representatives of the University TUDIAS Studienkolleg in AB TSTU

🔷Today, the Almalyk branch of TSTU was visited by a team from the Tashkent office of the TUDIAS Studienkolleg University, located in Saxony (Germany) headed by coordinator Zuleikha Tilavova and met with professors and students of the branch. 🔷During the meeting, the coordinator told the participants about education at universities …

Representatives of the University TUDIAS Studienkolleg in AB TSTU Read more

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