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The first stage of the scholarship examination conducted


To stimulate talented youth, direct them towards active scientific research, support, and properly reward talented students, the government has adopted relevant resolutions. Based on this, exams for students to compete for the Presidential Scholarships of the Republic of Uzbekistan and named scholarships are organized in higher educational institutions.

Yesterday, at the Almalyk branch of the Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov, exams were conducted in the subjects of the History of Uzbekistan, Foreign Language, and Information Technology for undergraduate and graduate students applying for the Presidential Scholarships of the Republic of Uzbekistan and named scholarships for the 2024-2025 academic year.

Participating in the exams were students with excellent and good grades in academic subjects who are interested in research work. The subsequent stages of testing are conducted by higher authorities of the higher education system, after which the final results are published.

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