Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology
Job title : Head of Department
Science degree : Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences
Accepting days : Working days from 9:00 to 17:00
Phone : +99893 186 06 03
- History of the department
- Scientific work carried out at the department
- Instructional manual
- methodological manuals
- General classification of bachelor’s and master’s degrees
History of the department:
1. According to the order of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan PP-3153 No. 516 of July 27, 2017, the department of “Electrical engineering, electromechanics, electrical technologies” was divided into two specialized departments “Electrical engineering and electromechanics” and “Mechanical engineering technology”. From 02.09.2017 to 25.04.2019, Ph.D. Tilabov Bakhodir Kurbanovich has been the leader.
2. From 2019 to the present, he has been the head of the Department of “Mechanical Engineering Technology” Ph.D. Boboyev Khamza Khamidulloyevich is working.
Currently, 18 full-time professors are working in the department.
t.f.b.f.d.PhD. X.X. Boboev, Ph.D. Assoc. I.N. Nugmanov, Ph.D. Ph.D. Assoc. R. Rakhmonkulov, Ph.D. Associate Professor U.A. Abduvaliev, Ph.D. Ph.D. associate professor M.A. Juraev., Ph.D. associate professor A.S. Jumaev, senior teacher. K.Q. Toshtemirov, senior teacher. J.A. Sherbutaev, senior teacher. Sh. Sh. Mamirov., assistant. B.B. Khasanov, assistant. G.A. Toshtemirova, assistant. M.M. Abdurakhmanova, assistant. N.I. Ibragimova, assistant. R.T. Nurullaev, assistant. A.A. Ashirov., assistant. G.I. Salimov, assistant. I. Ch. Jurakulov, assistant. Sh.A. Jakhanov. these professors-teachers are working.
Scientific works carried out at the department:
Scientific works are published in the department every year by professors and teachers. The department received patents and copyright certificates for inventions. Professors and teachers of the department have been applying the results of scientific research to the educational process. Professors and teachers of the department are conducting scientific research in three scientific directions.
Instructional manual:
2 textbooks, 7 study guides, 4 monographs were published by the professors of the department.
1. Juraev Musurmon Avlakulovich, Textbook of Basics of Mechanical Engineering Technology. Publication was allowed based on the Order No. 232 of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 29, 2023. Registration number 232-251
2. B.H. Gafurov, M.A. Juraev, A.M. Mamadzhanov, Textbook on technological equipment of automated production. “Zamin Nashir” 2022.-448b.
3. Juraev Musurmon Avlakulovich created and published a study guide on the subject “Technological equipment of automated production”. Publishing House “Science and Technology Publishing House”-2021.240b.
4. U.A. Abduvaliev. Mechanics. A collection of examples and problems from the theory of machines and mechanisms. Study guide “Innovative Development Publishing House” publishing house-2023, 224 pages.
5. U.A. Abduvaliev. Mechanics-2. Study guide for experimental work in applied mechanics, “Innovative development publishing house” publishing house-2022, 164 pages.
6. I.N. Nugmonov, U.A. Abduvaliev. Mechanical assembly shop design training manual “Innovative Development Publishing House”, 2021-148b.
7. Z.Sh. Sadullaev, Kh.X. Boboev, Sh.Sh. Mamirov. Design and production of zagatovka in mechanical engineering. Study guide “Ilim Ziya Zakovat Publishing House” publishing house-2023, 159 pages.
8. Z.Sh. Sadullaev, M Ergashev, A.Kh. Abdullaev, L.M. Raufov. Instructional manual on repair, assembly and use of technological equipment “Ilim Ziya Zakovat Publishing House” Monograph 2023, 165 pages.
9. Rakhmonkulov R, Sadullaev Z.Sh. Fundamentals of CNC machine tool programming. Study guide. “Universitet” publishing house. 2021-130 pages.
10. Nugmanov I.N. Superplacity steel. Monograph, “Innovative Development Publishing House” publishing house-2021, 148ctr.
11. D.B.Kholikulov, Rakhmonkulov R. Management of technological processes in production through computer programs. Monograph. Tashkent State Technical University. Publishing house “Ziya Nashir Matbaa”-2023, 332 pages.
12. A. Djuraev, A.S. Jumaev. Scientific bases of improvement of constructions of belt conveyors and calculation of parameters. Monograph, “Navoiy” publishing house-2022.180 pages.
13. L.E. Yakubov, Resursosberegayushchaya technology plavki mednyx splavov. Publisher “VNESHINVESTPROM”, 2020, 189 STR.
14. A. Djuraev, B. N. Davidbaev, A. S. Jumaev. Improvement of the belt conveyor and scientific basis for calculation of parameters (Monograph). “Global Online Book Publishing” 2022, 117 pages.
The following methodological manuals were developed by the teachers of the department:
1. B.Q. Tilabov, J.A. Sherbutaev, N.D. Turakhodjaev, Instructional instruction on “Independent performance of laboratory and practical exercises”. Tashkent “DELTA PRINT SERVICE”, 2020.140b.
2. B.Q. Tilabov, J.A. Sherbutaev, U.E. Normurodov, from the subject of “Materials Science”, instructional instruction on “Independent performance of laboratory and practical training for students of technical higher education institutions”. Tashkent “DELTA PRINT SERVICE”, 2020.144b.
3. B.K. Tilabov, J.A Sherbutaev, U.E Normurodov “Materialovedenie” Educational-methodical instructions for independent work of students – eye technical skills and practical laboratory work. Almalqk, 2020.124p.
4. U.A. Abduvaliev, methodical instruction on the performance of laboratory works in the discipline “Theory of Machines and Mechanisms”. Published at the printing house of the National University of Uzbekistan named after M. Ulugbek. 2021.47 p.
5. A. U. Abduvaliev, R. J. Butunov. Laboratory work on the theory of mechanisms and machines. “Technology of machine building” TGTU AF 2021, 70s.
6. U.A. Abduvaliev, “Completing a course project on the theory of machines and mechanisms” instructional manual. Almalyk, 2021, 48 p.
7. A. U. Abduvaliev, Course planning and theory of mechanisms and machines. Almalq 2021.56 str.
8. I.N. Nugmonov, Methodical instructions for conducting practical training in the field of mechanical assembly shop design. “Innovative Development Publishing House”, 2021, 60 pages
9. Nugmanov I.N, AF TGTU.Metodicheskie ukazaniya po vypolneno prakticheskie zanyatiy po distsipline “Proktirovanie mekhanosborochnyx tsehov” Publishing house “Innovative development publishing house”-2021,64ctr.
10. K.Q. Toshtemirov, G.A. Toshtemirova, “Fundamentals of programming of machines controlled by a digital program” instruction manual for practical training. Namangan “Iste’dod ziyo press” publishing house, 2024, 80b.
General classification of bachelor’s and master’s courses:
Direction: 60720800- Machine-building technology, equipment and automation of machine-building production, Specialty: 70720801 – Machine-building technology and equipment (on production), continuous education of Uzbekistan State educational standards, State standards of higher education educational standard, included in the classification of higher education directions and specialties.
The duration of full-time education is 4 years.
External education – 5 years.
Evening education – 4.5 years.
Master’s degree-2 years.
Academic degree – “Bachelor” and “Master”.