Department of Organization of research activities of gifted students
Anorboyeva Noila
Job title: Head of Department
Accepting days: Working days from 9:00 to 17:00
Phone: +99893-167-19-18
It was supported in accordance with the requirements of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Education” and the National Program of Cadre Training, and it defines the procedure for searching and identifying talented students, as well as the forms and methods of targeted work with them.
Talented young people are an important factor and an ornament of the nation, which ensures the social and economic development of the Republic of Uzbekistan and its rightful place in the world community.
Talented students are identified by conducting a special psychological and pedagogical test. They are distinguished by such qualities as goal-seeking, determination and hard work, as well as the desire to engage in creative activities.
The main goal of searching for, identifying and targeted training of talented students is to train the intellectual elite who develop the scientific and creative potential of the republic, and in this regard, to show and develop their natural abilities in the relevant fields of knowledge and specific directions of science. , is to create opportunities to realize their unique talent.
– paying special attention to the intellectual potential of talented students to acquire deep knowledge and develop their abilities;
– qualified professor – involving teachers in individual work with talented students;
– wide involvement of talented students in scientific research work on the priority directions of science development;
– formation of republican bank and monitoring of talented students;
– development of special educational programs and progressive pedagogical technologies;
– training of qualified, comprehensively matured personnel who meet the requirements of customers.
The search for talented students in higher educational institutions is carried out in the process of career guidance from the first days of study.
Gifted students are determined based on the level of development of abilities by conducting psychological and pedagogical tests, taking into account basic knowledge.
Targeted preparation of the identified talented student consists of the following educational and creative issues and directions:
studying according to the extended curriculum, obtaining an additional qualification (in the selected direction: from a foreign language translator; EVM programmer; vocational college teacher, etc.);
individual training according to the target program;
training according to the in-depth program (fundamental sciences; general professional sciences: management, marketing, auditing; legal sciences; ecology, etc.);
Based on the requirements of the customers, the higher education institution can define additional directions of professional direction, educational and educational training of talented students and introduce educational services.
Targeted training programs for gifted students include the following factors:
– mastery of subjects at a high level;
– computer knowledge and programming;
– thoroughly mastering one of the foreign languages;
– effective use of computer and foreign language in writing course and graduation papers and master’s thesis;
-in the process of performing scientific and creative work, independent thinking, expression of new thoughts and opinions, implementation in practice;
– orientation to independent knowledge in the field and formation of characteristics of rapid acquisition of news in the field of science;
To teach talented students, professors and teachers who have a scientific degree and sufficient knowledge of the targeted training program of the student are involved.
Professors and associate professors with creative and methodical work experience and high ratings in terms of educational-methodical and scientific activity are appointed as academic supervisors for talented students.
The main tasks of scientific supervisors of gifted students: –
to create a targeted training program for gifted students and lead its implementation;
– to study the advanced practices of the leading foreign countries in working with talented students and apply them in one’s own life;
-wide use of new pedagogical technology, computer technology and video-audio techniques in the educational process.
– making suggestions on material and moral incentives for talented students who are successfully completing the target program.
organizing the search and identification of talented students; – to regularly determine the intellectual potential of talented students;
organizing targeted training of talented students depending on their inclination;
– organization of trainings for the purpose of mastering a foreign language and computer;
– organize involvement in fundamental scientific-research works, scientific circles and author’s teams;
– to help talented students to publish their scientific articles, and to put their scientific works and scientific developments into practice;
– to ensure the participation of talented students in national and international scientific conferences and to send them to foreign countries for study and internship;
– special preparation of candidates for state scholarships of the Republic of Uzbekistan from talented students;
– organizing meetings of talented students with scientists and leaders of production enterprises and major specialists;
– organization of professional games for talented students;
– regularly conducting sociological research among talented students;
– on the basis of marketing research, in-depth study of customer requirements, and providing support to talented students in choosing subjects that determine the market conjuncture, based on the bank of educational services organized;
– creating conditions for the use of modern information systems.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.