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Graduates of the Academic Lyceum of the AF TSTU were awarded diplomas


Yesterday, a solemn ceremony of presenting diplomas to graduates took place at the Academic Lyceum of the Almalyk branch of TSTU. Speaking at the event held under the motto “Youth of the new Uzbekistan, know that the Motherland is waiting for you,” the director of the branch, A. Samadov, and the deputy director, O. Abdiev, expressed sincere wishes to students following the path of adult life, success in their further studies.

Also, according to the results of the 2023-2024 academic year of the student league of the game “Zakovat”, the team of the Academic Lyceum “Wast idea” took 2nd place in the games of 3 seasons with the participation of 76 teams of students from academic lyceums, technical schools and vocational schools of the republic. The team members were also duly awarded at the event.

It is worth noting that this year 47 students successfully graduated from the lyceum, 4 of them with honors. 24 graduates became students ahead of schedule. The director of the lyceum, Yu. Ubaydullaeva, presented letters of gratitude to the parents of students who set an example for their peers with excellent behavior in their studies. Letters of gratitude from the branch management were presented to the lyceum teachers.

At the festive event, graduates of the lyceum and talented students of the branch showed artistic performances.

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