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Department of General Professional and Economic Disciplines

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Job title: Head of Department
Scientific degree: Dotsent
Accepting days: Working days from 9:00 to 17:00
Phone: +998-93 622-19-52

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History of the department:

The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh. Mirziyoyev paid great attention to the development of production and industry in the Tashkent region, including the provision of specialized personnel for production based on the Decree of July 27, 2017. Almalik Branch of Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov was established in Olmaliq by decision No. RQ-3153. The Department of “General Professional and Economic Sciences” has started its activities. Adilov Tolqin Turdimovich, candidate of technical sciences, has been the head of the department since its establishment.

               When the department was established, there were 7 professors and teachers, two of them with academic degrees (Ph.D. Adilov Tolkin Turdimovich and Ph.D. Mamadaliyeva Nozima Ashurovna), 3 senior teachers and 2 assistants. As a result of the increase in the teaching hours of the department, the staff units also increased. By the 2023-2024 academic year, a total of 25 professors-teachers are working in the department. In particular, 16 professors-teachers are working in the main staff (10 professors-teachers are working on the basis of internal 0.25 staff positions), 9 professors-teachers are working on the basis of external 0.5 positions. There are 4 acting associate professors in the department: Kha.A.Riskulov, B.B.Kuybakov, Dj.T.Fidayev, A.O’.Fathiddinov and 2 external deputy associate professors: A.Y. Agabekov, D.N. Abdisattorov, 8 senior teachers: M.Kh. Sarikulov, A.M. Khunarov, R.A. Tanjarova, Kh.M. Israilova, Kh.Kh. Khasanova, N.A. Komilova, I.E. Uzokov, R.M. Mambetov and 2 external deputy senior teachers: S.I. Ibadlayevich, O. Khudoykulov, 4 assistants: S. G. Dosmetov, B. Kh. Bekturov, B. M. Bekimbetov, B. B. Yusupov and 5 external deputy assistants: B. A. Nabiyev, D. Y. Ergashov, M. A. Khudoyberdiyeva, U. A. Tashmatova, M. T. Shamsiyev are working.               The scientific potential of the department is 25%. All normative documents of the department are available. The Department of “General Professional and Economic Sciences” is responsible for teaching such subjects as Life Safety, Hydraulics, Ecology, Industry Economy and Management, Engineering and Computer Graphics, Metrology and Standardization. Scientific capacity works and the tasks and assignments assigned on their basis are being performed on time. The number of educational and methodological manuals for scientific and methodological work of the department is 4 and 8 monographs. It can be reported about the scientific research work of the professors and teachers of the department that the total number of articles in republican scientific journals and theses at national level conferences is more than 42, the number of theses at international conferences is more than 28, and the total number of articles in international scientific journals is about 113 and According to the “Web of Science” database, the number of indexes is 35.

Scientific work carried out at the department:

1. Riskulov H.A. Vzaimovliyanie fundonov na osnovanyakh, vklyuchayushchikh vodonasyshchennye lyossy. 86 str. “VINESHINVESTROM”. T-2020.

2. Israilova H.M. Development of the fruit and vegetable network in the context of the growth of regional competitiveness. 166 pages. “Publisher’s note” T-2020.

3. Khudoykulov O., Shanaev M., Israilova H.M. Economic analysis of small business entities. 127 pages. “VINESHINVESTROM” T. 2021.

4. Adilov Tolkin Turdimovich Puti. Publisher: Tashkent OOO “VNESHINVESTPROM”


6. Mamadaliyeva Nazima Ashurovna “Economic efficiency of phosphorus and sodium production in Uzbekistan” 2022.ISBN: 978-93-90475-63-7 ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY OF PRODUCTIONPHOSPHORUS-PRODUCTION OF PHOSPHORUS-CONTAININGFERTILIZER IN UZBEKISTAN Published by Novateur Publication 466, Sadashiv Peth, M.S.India-411030.

7. Kuybakov Bakhodir Baydullayevich Obsnovanie parametros i rovymov boty mashiny dlya postleuborochnoy chistki miyan stynnykhkormovyx rastenii (izen) Izdatelstvo: OOO “VNESHINVESTPROM” Circulation 100 copies. Volume: 03 November 11, 2022, (10.5 pages)

8. Kuybakov Bakhodir Baydullayevich Justification of parameters and modes of machine operation for post-harvest cleaning of desert seeds forage plants (izen) Novateur publication 466,SadashivPeth, M.S.India-411030. 

              Scientific works are regularly published in the department every year by professors and teachers. Since the establishment of the department, programs for “DGU” electronic calculators have been received. Today, more than 5 “Economic contracts” are concluded by professors-teachers of the department and regular work is being carried out. 

              In the department, senior teachers from the professors: Kh.M. Israilova, Kh.Kh. Khasanova, N.A. Komilova, I.E. Uzokov are conducting scientific research as independent researchers, and assistant D.Y. Ergashov is conducting scientific research as a basic doctoral student. 

              During the 2022-2023 academic year, professors and teachers who defended their doctoral dissertations at the “General Professional and Economic Sciences” department: Kuchkarova N.Kh., Fathiddinov A.O’., Abdisattorov D.N.

Educational and methodological work:

The Department of “General Professional and Economic Sciences” has published 4 training manuals.

1. In 2023, the head of the department, Kha.A.Riskulov, published a study guide in the Russian language on the subject “Safety of Life Activities”.

2. In 2024, the head of the department X. A. Riskulov published a study guide in Uzbek on the subject “Safety of life activities”.

3. B.B. Kuybakov, associate professor of the department, published a textbook in Uzbek in 2024 on “Hydraulics”.

4. In the 2022-2023 academic year, a study guide in Uzbek was published by the senior teachers of the department, Kh.M. Israilova and O.Kh. Khudoykulov.

The teachers of the department developed the following teaching aids:

  1. Adilov T.T. Methodical use of “Metrology and standardization” for practical training. In 4 copies. 48 pages.
  2. Adilov T.T.Methodicheskoe posobie dlya vypolneniya prakticheskikh rabot po kursu “Metrology and standardization” in 4 copies. 68 pages
  3. Z. Faiznev Z.A. Methodological development (testirovanie controllya znaniy) in the academic discipline “Economic theory”. 2 ex. AF TGTU im. Islama Karimova, 2019
  4. Khunarov A.M., Kuchkarova N.Kh. Methodical instructions for practical training in “Safety of Life Activities”. 56 pages in 3 copies. Branch Scientific and Methodical Council March 30, 2019. Statement №7.
  5. Sarikulov Madraim Khasanovich. Methodological method for the implementation of laboratory work in the course “Thermodynamics”. 47 str. Nauchno-methodicheskiy sovet AF TGTU im. Islama Karimova, 2019 June 28. Protocol No. 10.
  6. Israilova H.M. “Methodological instructions for conducting seminars on the 11th subject of economic theory. 56 pages in 2 copies. Branch Scientific and Methodical Council March 30, 2019. Statement №7.
  7. Israilova H.M. “Methodological instructions for conducting seminars on industrial economics and management11. 58 pages in 2 copies. Branch Scientific and Methodical Council June 28, 2019. Statement №10.
  8. Khasanova H.Kh. Methodical instruction on the organization of independent work from the 11th discipline of economic theory. 16 pages in 2 copies. Branch Scientific and Methodical Council June 28, 2019. Protocol №10.
  9. Komilova N.A. Methodical instructions for practical exercises in Thermodynamics 11. 38 pages in 3 copies. Branch Scientific and Methodical Council March 30, 2019. Statement №7.
  10. Komilova N.A. “Thermodynamics” methodical instruction for practical exercises. 36 pages in 3 copies. Branch Scientific and Methodical Council March 30, 2019. Statement №7.
  11. Komilova N.A. “Tidravlika” methodical instruction for experimental training. 48 pages in 3 copies. Branch Scientific and Methodical Council June 28, 2019. Statement №10.
  12. Tanjarova R.A., Mambetov R.M. Methodical instructions for practical work in drawing geometry and engineering graphics. 160 pages. Methodological and technical Council of ToshDTU. 2020 June 29. Minutes №10.
  13. Sarikulov M.Kh., Gapurov B.E. Methodical instruction for practical training for bachelor’s programs in “Hydraulics and Hydropneumatics”. 68 pages. Methodological-technical Council of ToshDTU. 2020 June 29. Minutes №10.
  14. Adilov T.T., Uzokov I.E. Methodological instruction for practical training in the science of metrology and standardization. 47 pages. Methodological and technical Council of ToshDTU. 2020 June 29. Minutes №10.
  15. Adilov T.T., Uzokov I.E. Metodicheskie ukazaniya dlya vypolneniya prakticheskikh rabot po course “Metrology, standardization and cooperation” 54 str. ToshDTU OF Methodological and technical Council. 2020 June 29. Minutes №10.
  16. Riskulov X.A., Khunarov A.M. Methodical instructions for conducting experimental training in the science of life safety. 47 pages. Methodological and technical Council of ToshDTU. 2019 November 29. Minutes №3.
  17. Riskulov X.A., Khunarov A.M. Methodological instructions for performing laboratory work. 52 stryu Methodological and technical council of ToshDTU. 2019 November 29. Minutes #3.
  18. Riskulov X.A., Khunarov A.M. Methodical instructions for performing practical exercises in the science of life safety, page 53. Methodological and technical Council of ToshDTU. 2020 March 14. Minutes №7
  19. Adilov T.T., Riskulov X.A., Khunarov A.M. Annotated dictionary of life safety science 117 pages. Methodological and technical Council of ToshDTU. 2020 March 14. Minutes №7
  20. Israilova H.M. Methodical instructions for practical training in the field of economics and management. 99 pages. Methodological-technical Council of ToshDTU. 2019 November 29. Minutes №3.
  21. Israilova H.M., Pardabaeva S.T. Methodical instruction for practical works in the science of innovation and entrepreneurship. 51 pages. Methodological-technical Council of ToshDTU. 2020 June 29. Minutes №10,
  22. Khasanova H.Kh. Text of lectures on economics and management of chemical enterprises. 94 pages. Methodological and technical Council of ToshDTU. 2020 June 29. Protocol №10
  23. Adilov T.T., Uzokov I.E. A set of tests in the science of metrology and standardization. Scientific-methodical Council of ToshDTU OF. 2021 March 31. Minutes №5.
  24. Komilova N.A. Methodical instruction for practical exercises in the science of thermodynamics and thermal engineering. Scientific-methodical Council of ToshDTU OF. 2021 May 28. Minutes№5.
  25. Riskulov X.A., Khunarov A.M. Methodical instructions for conducting experimental training in the science of life safety. (For evening education form). Scientific-methodical Council of ToshDTU OF. 2021 March 31. Minutes №8.
  26. Riskulov X.A., Khunarov A.M. Methodical instructions for practical training in the science of life safety (form of evening education). Scientific-methodical Council of ToshDTU OF. 2021 i. April. Minutes №9
  27. Sarikulov M.Kh., Komilova N.A. Methodical instructions for laboratory exercises in “Thermodynamics and thermal engineering”. Scientific-methodical Council of ToshDTU OF. 2021 i. April. Minutes №9.
  28. Tanjarova R.A. and R.M. Mambetov’s methodical instruction for independent work from the subject “Engineering and computer graphics”. Scientific-methodical Council of ToshDTU OF. 2021 i. April. Minutes №9.
  29. Sarikulov M.Kh., Komilova N.A. Methodical instructions for laboratory exercises in “Hydraulics and hydropneumolubricants”. Scientific-methodical Council of ToshDTU OF. 2021 May 28. Minutes №10.
  30. Riskulov X.A., Khunarov A.M. A glossary of “Ecology” science. Scientific-methodical Council of ToshDTU OF. 2021 May 28. Minutes №10.
  31. Israilova H.M. Methodical instructions for practical classes in the field of economics and management (for evening education). Scientific-methodical Council of ToshDTU OF. 2021 May 28. Minutes №10.
  32. Khasanova H.K., Methodological instructions for diploma project design for students of specialization “Technology of machine construction, equipment and automation of machine-building (po napravleniyam)” and “Technological machines and equipment” (po ekonomicheskoy chasti). Scientific-methodical Council of ToshDTU OF. 2021 May 28. Minutes №10.
  33. Adilov Tulkin Turdimovich, son of Ergashev Dilshod Yoldosh. Methodological instruction on “Metrology and standardization”. (5311300-Metallurgy, 5311600-Mining work, 5312200-Mining electromechanics are designed to carry out practical training for students of undergraduate education (day, evening and part-time).
  34. Riskulov Hashim Artikbayevich. Uchebnoe posobie po distsipline Bezopasnost jiznedeyatelnosti, OOO Kurama, UPL.8.375, Circulation 50 copies, Order № 47
  35. Riskulov Hashim Artikbayevich. Methodical instruction on “Safety of life activity”. (On my student’s independent work)
  36. Sarikulov Madraim Khasanovich, Bekimbetov Bahadir Maratovich, “Hydraulics and hydropneumodynamics” methodical instruction. {To do practical work)
  37. Sarikulov Madraim Khasanovich, daughter of Kornilova Nodira Abdurakhman, science programs were developed in “Thermodynamics and heat engineering”, “Hydraulics and hydropneumodynamics”.
  38. Sarikulov Madraim Khasanovich, Methodical instruction on “Hydraulics and Hydropneumatic Fluids” (for the organization of my student’s independent work)
  39. Khunarov Abduvahob Mamatovich Methodical instruction on doing independent work in the science of “Ecology”.
  40. Khunarov Abduvahob Mamatovich Methodical instruction on the implementation of practical training from the subject “Ecology”.
  41. Israilova Khikoyat Musakulovna Methodological instruction in Russian on the subject “Economics and Management of Enterprises” (5320400 – Chemical technology undergraduate coursework for students)
  42. Tanjarova Ra’no Akramovna, Mambetov Rashid Mirzavaliyevich, “Engineering and computer graphics” methodical instructions (for independent work).
  43. Tanjarova Ra’no Akramovna, Mambetov Rashid Mirzavaliyevich, Dosmetov Saidakhmed Gulmetovich, Methodical instructions for the subject “Engineering and computer graphics” (for independent performance of practical work).
  44. Khasanova Hamida Khaidaralievna. Methodical instructions in Uzbek for the subject “Economics and Management of Enterprises” (5320400 – Chemical technology bachelor’s coursework for students) 2022. March, Minutes №8.
  45. Komilova, daughter of Nadira Abdurakhman. Methodical instructions from the subject “Thermodynamics and heat engineering” (for practical training).
  46. ​​Komilova, daughter of Nadira Abdurakhman. Methodical instructions from the subject “Thermodynamics and heat engineering” (for independent work).
  47. Kornilova Nadira Abdurakhman, daughter of “Hydraulics and hydropneumodynamics” methodical instruction (for independent work).
  48. Mambetov Rashid Mirzaliyevich. Methodical instruction from the discipline “Engineering and computer graphics” (5320200 – Mechanical engineering technology, equipment and automation of mechanical engineering production; 5320300 – Technological machines and equipment for educational areas).
  49. Tanjarova Rano Akramovna, Mambetov Rashid Mirzavalievich, Dosmetov Saidakhmed Gulmetovich. “Methodicheskie ukazaniya dlya samostoyatelnogo vypolneniya graficheskikh rabot” po discipline “ENGINEERNAYa AND COMPUTERNAYa GRAPHICS” for students of bachelor’s school education.
  50. Tanjarova Ra’no Akramovna, Mambetov Rashid Mirzavalievich, Dosmetov Saidakhmed Gulmetovich, Bekturov Davron Kholtursinovich. Methodical instruction “To perform independent work” in the field of engineering and computer graphics.
  51. Khasanova Khamida Khaydaraliyevna. A methodical guide on completing the economic part of the graduation work was developed for students of the “Mechanical engineering technology, mechanical engineering production equipment and related automation” and “Technological machines and equipment (mechanical engineering and metalworking)” majors. 2023 Minutes №6.
  52. Kornilova, daughter of Nadira Abdurakhman. A methodical guide on the implementation of the practical training “Heat technique” has been developed for students of the “Mechanical engineering technology, mechanical engineering production equipment and automation”, “Technological machines and equipment (mechanical engineering and metalworking)” majors. .Minutes№6 of 2023.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

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