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sulaymonova d


Job title: Head of Department
Scientific degree: Doctor of Philosophy of Pedagogical Sciences (PhD)
Accepting days: Working days from 9:00 to 17:00
Phone: (+99893) 668-36-45

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1. The head of the department in 2017-2018 was Associate Professor M.U. Musaev. Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.

2. Turdiboev Zh.E. worked as head of the department in 2018-2019.

3. Irkabaev Zh.U. head of the department in 2019-2022, the department of “Mathematics and Informatics” was created in 2022.

4. From 2023 to the present, the head of the PhD department is Sulaymanova D.B.

Since 2017, the Almalyk branch of the Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov has been created. Currently, the department has 13 full-time teachers. PhD Sulaymanova D.B., acting associate professor F.M. Muminov, acting Associate Professor Khuzhaev T.K., acting Associate Professor Samandarov I.R., acting Associate Professor M.N. Malikov, senior teachers O. J. Jabbarov, Yu. Sh. Abduganieva, Sh. T. Manshurov, N. T. Dushatov, Z. M. Miratoev, assistants Bekmuratov U. N., Khakimova G. A., Zhonkobilov Zh. T, Karimov S.Ya., Yusupova D.M.


Every year, teachers of the department publish scientific works. The following works of authorship are available, i.e. certificates from the moment of creation of the department.

 1. D.B. Sulaymanova, R. Rakhmonkulov “Program for converting graphic information into digital information for use in a computer program” (Software products). MINISTRY OF JUSTICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN No. DSU 19992. 06.12.2022. 2. Rakhmonkulov R., Sulaymanova D.B., Manshurov Sh.T., “Online monitoring of cast iron process parameters” (Software products). MINISTRY OF JUSTICE OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN No. DGU 26477, 06.10.2023


The department conducts courses in all educational areas of undergraduate education: “Higher Mathematics”, “Information Technologies in Technical Systems”, lectures, practical and laboratory classes: Members of the department direct all available opportunities to improve educational activities, increasing the level and quality of knowledge and students’ skills in the disciplines “Higher Mathematics”, “Information Technologies in Technical Systems”.

Teachers of the department published 1 monograph.

1. Sulaymanova D.B., Makhmudova D.M. “Improving the methodological system of teaching the subject “Computer Science and Information Technologies” based on media technologies” (monograph ) Methodist Publishing House  Tashkent-2023


1. I.R. Samandarov, N.T.Dushatov, Z.M.Miratoev “Methodological manual for practical classes in higher mathematics, 1st year, 2nd semester. Methodical manual. Approved by report No. 3 dated November 28, 2022 at the Educational and Methodological Council of the Almalyk branch of Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov.

2. O. J. Jaborov. Methodological manual for mathematics circle classes. Methodical manual. Approved by report No. 3 dated November 28, 2022 at the Educational and Methodological Council of the Almalyk branch of Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov.

3. Sulaimanova D.B., Abduganieva Yu.Sh., Manshurov Sh.T. Methodological manual on “Performing independent work on the subject “Information technologies in technical systems” for the correspondence department”, Methodological manual approved by Protocol No. 4 of the Scientific and Methodological Council of the Almalyk branch of Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov dated December 26, 2022.

4. Sulaimanova D.B., Abduganieva Yu.Sh., Manshurov Sh.T. Guidelines for independent work on the subject “Information technologies in technical systems” (correspondence department for all students in the field) Methodological manual approved by the Educational and Methodological Council of the Almalyk branch of Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov on December 26, 2022 4 (66)

  1. Manshurov Sh.T. “Self-concentration of metallurgical silicon melted five times in a solar furnace”
  2. Miratoev Z.M. “Boundary value problems for partial differential equations with special coefficients”
  3. Dushatov N.T. “Static estimates of numerical characteristics of joint distributions using incompletely correlated observations and their properties”
  4. Abduganieva Yu.Sh. “Development of flotation technology for porphyry copper ores with an automated control system”
  5. Bekmuratov U.N. “Quasistatic loading of the stern taking into account the Coulomb friction law”

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