Personnel department
Tojiboeva Etibor
Job title: Head of personnel department
Accepting days: Monday to Friday 8:00-17:00
Phone: +99894 407 01 72
General information about the department.
– The personnel department is considered an independent part of the TSTU named after Islam Karimov.
– The department in its activity is guided by the “Law about Education”, “the National Program for Training Personnel”, the Charter on Higher Education and the University Charter, the normative legal documents of the labor legislation, orders, directions of the university director, and the present statute.
– The personnel department has a round seal with the inscription of the branch and department.
– The head of the personnel department or the person in charge appointed to the heads of the department is in charge of the round seal.
– The head of the department directly supervises the activities of the structures ” Working with professors”, “Working with administrative staff”, “Working with training and support staff”, “Legalizing pensions”, “Working with bachelors and masters”, “Office and archive “.
– The department reports directly to the director of the branch.
The main tasks of the department.
– Preparation and execution of an employment contract, work record book of each employee and a professor-teacher, as well as orders related to their activities.
– Preparation of draft orders for the admission to work in the established manner of faculty, training and support and administrative staff, their transfer to another job and release from their posts.
– Analyzed turnover of professors – teachers and employees, studying the improvement of the qualitative composition of employees and work conducted for their justification, information for use, as well as other indicators related to their activities.
– Facilitating the organization of the state certification of the teaching staff, deans and deputy dean of the faculty of the branch.
– making proposals to the management on the formation and use of the reserve of employees included in the branch nomenclature.
– making suggestions to the management in the organization of works on awarding employees of the branch with premiums from the Ministry of Industry.
– delivery of diplomas, state-approved applications on the order of the branch and by decision of the State Attestation Commission to persons who have mastered all the subjects indicated in the curriculum and the requirements of state educational standards for undergraduate students who have fully implemented the curriculum and state requirements for courses of advanced training and retraining, employees of the branch.
– Acceptance, registration and storage of personal documents of students accepted for studies in accordance with the established procedure for a certain period.
– Registration of the diploma, their applications, issues, identity cards to employees according to the established procedure on the basis of normative documents.
– Sending, in accordance with the established procedure, responses to inquiries to law enforcement agencies about all employees and students of the branch, as well as to the relevant documents bodies (diplomas, applications, certificates) issued by the branch.
– Creation of an information and analytical data bank on the issue of identity cards confirming the identity of employees, diplomas and their applications of the state pattern of bachelor’s graduates who have mastered all the subjects specified in the curriculum and the State Standard of Education.
Duties of the head of the personnel department:
– joint choice with the management of the branch of the staff of the administrative management staff included in the nomenclature of the director, engineering and technical, training and support and administrative and economic areas and registration in accordance with labor legislation.
– timely registration of documents for hiring employees of the branch, included in the nomenclature of the director, transferring them to another permanent job and terminating the employment contract, as well as providing documents for the approval of employees in posts that are part of the highest constituent nomenclature.
– Control over the management of documents of employees and students of the branch.
– Control over the static and personal accounts of employees of the branch on the basis of certain regulatory documents.
– Control over keeping records of registration of work books in accordance with the requirements of the Labor Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
– Direct management of the work activity of the personnel department staff, attached archival structures and the chancery.
– Making decisions in accordance with the labor legislation when hiring employees according to the staff schedule, transferring them to another permanent job, terminating the employment contract.
– Participation together with the trade union branch in the organization of control over observance by employees of labor discipline and internal regulations of labor regulations.
– Participation in the work of the attestation commission of the branch.
– Participation in the creation of human resources.
– Preparation of the competition and the list of the faculty, passing through the competition for vacant positions.
– Participation in the charging committee and preparation of projects of orders for setting salaries for employees of the branch for their scientific and pedagogical experience, and also in conjunction with the trade union of the branch, preparation of documents for payment of benefits to the employees of the branch and their families, and their provision to social security bodies. – Issuance of certificates and certificates to all employees of the branch (the procedure for issuing and responsible for this person is determined by the director).
The task of supervisors working with professor-teachers and staff.
– Record keeping of the branch staff.
– Execution of documents for the acceptance, dismissal and transfer to another work of the employees of the branch.
– Control over registration and maintenance of personal folders of employees of the branch under certain regulatory documents.
– Filling out, recording and storing labor books of employees of the branch and making timely changes to them.
– Drawing up of accounting of schedules of a labor holiday of employees of branch on the basis of the labor legislation.
– Preparation and provision of information to employees about their work activities.
– Providing and registered identity cards, certificates.
– Preparation and submission of statistical reports.
The tasks of supervisors working with students.
– Maintaining primary documents related to the enrollment of students according to approved regulatory documents, samples approved by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan. – Preparation of a static report and internal report of the branch on certain forms. – Preparation and provision of academic certificates in conjunction with the training part. – Preparation of draft orders for restoration, transfer to another university, transfer to another specialty, granting academic leave for health reasons or marital status.
– Preparation and sending of personal documents of students transferred to other universities (on official request).
– Preparation of information and providing them in accordance with the established procedure on the official request of higher organizations.