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“Open Day” at the military unit


Students of the Faculty of Mining Engineering of the AF TSTU, led by tutors T. Umarbekova, S. Ashirova, T. Shomurotova, took part in the “Open Doors Day” event held in military unit No. 99166 of the Ministry of Defense, located in the city of Almalyk.

Deputy commander of military unit No. 99166, Lieutenant Colonel Kh. Madaliev, noted that the military potential and rich experience of our great great-grandfathers like Amir Temur are being studied in the military academies of many states.

At the event, the types of firearms, their functions and the procedure for their use were explained, and a military educational garden and a model of a military training ground were presented.

The students were of great interest in the conditions created in the information and resource center for the military, modern training facilities, as well as exhibits and models in the museum.

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