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Ominakhon was awarded a III degree diploma


On May 15 of this year, the 3rd scientific conference of the student scientific society entitled “Spiritually harmonious youth-builders of a new Uzbekistan” was held at the Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research on the topic “Education leads to research, research leads to progress.”

The conference of the student scientific society was attended by a student of group 11b-23ХТ of the Faculty of Metallurgy and Chemical Technologies of the Almalyk branch of TSTU Ominakhon Khusniddinova and scientific supervisor M. Zhumanov.

Students who brilliantly presented lectures on current topics were awarded diplomas.

Student O. Khusniddinova was awarded a III degree diploma for her report on the topic “Composition and beneficial properties of “diabetic tea” prepared for patients with diabetes.”

We wish our gifted student success in further scientific research.

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