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Practical lesson for students at SPI


Engineering schools are created in developing sectors of the economy and industry with the aim of training a new generation of engineering personnel based on foreign experience in higher education. For the same purposes, the advanced engineering school of AGMK began its work. What makes the cutting-edge engineering school unique is that it is built on collaboration between education and industry. The school carries out not only the task of training engineering personnel, but also research work to find solutions to production problems in the industry.

Familiarization of specialists from the departments of the Almalyk branch of TSTU with the activities of the school of advanced engineering and pre-graduation practice for students is organized.

The teacher of the department of metallurgy of the branch, I. Shaimanov, conducted a practical lesson in the discipline “Theory of Hydrometallurgical Processes” for 2nd-year students of group 1a-22 at the school of advanced engineering.

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