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Representatives of Mirza Ulugbek National University in AB TSTU


Today at the AF TSTU there was a meeting with representatives of the Department of Organic Chemistry of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, professors Tadzhimukhammedov Habibulla Saifullaevich, Khalikov Tursunali Suyunovich and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Chemistry Turaev Sherzod Bahadirovich.

Kh. Tadzhimukhammedov spoke in his lecture on the topic “Modern definition of the theory of the structure of organic compounds” about modern methods and innovations in the field of organic chemistry.

In addition to answering questions from young researchers and students in this area, an agreement was reached on cooperation between two higher educational institutions and expanding the scope of joint scientific research.

Representatives of science from the National University of Uzbekistan also got acquainted with the scientific and educational laboratory of chemical technologies.

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