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Representatives of the AF TSTU are in Stockholm


Representatives of the AF TSTU – Deputy Director for Research and Innovation D. Kholikulov and S. Parmonov, Head of the Department of Chemical Technologies, are taking advanced training courses at Stockholm University, the Royal Technical University and the Albano Scientific and Educational Complex from March 11 to March 19 this year.

Based on the best experience of Swedish universities, this program allows participants to deeply study the methodology of integrated project education, identify the main aspects of successful implementation, and also master practical methods for assessing and supporting students’ knowledge in the educational process.

The goal of the program is to promote the introduction of advanced technologies into educational practice among education specialists, researchers and practitioners, the development of the quality of education based on modern requirements, as well as promoting their use in solving problems of society, creating a space for the exchange of knowledge and experience.

The Belgian Education Council, created in 2014, helps educational institutions and teachers modernize their activities. With the support of the Council, more than 50 educational institutions around the world have become an international academic community. This international academic community promotes the development of educational programs and human resources, the introduction of interactive and result-oriented teaching methods and technologies.

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