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A person’s honor is great through work and knowledge


On the initiative of the AF TSTU team, on the eve of the 80th anniversary of Soyib Abdurakhmanovich Abdurakhmanov, professor of the Almalyk branch of the Tashkent State Technical University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, an event was held at school No. 59 in the village of Akhmadbek, Shahrikhan district of Andijan region.

The secret of a person’s success lies in work. It is no coincidence that the career of a scientist is highly valued, because science is the basis of development. Soyib Abdurakhmanovich is a mentor who made a huge contribution to the development of the metallurgical industry of Uzbekistan, creating a scientific school in the field of metallurgy. He, one of the first to create educational and scientific literature in the Uzbek language on metallurgy, made a significant contribution to the development of the mining industry.

For his services, he was awarded the Shukhrat medal in 1997, and the Order of Friendship in 2022. The scientific school of Soyib Abdurakhmanov, created over more than fifty years, with knowledge and work on the path of scientific development, is an example of true dedication.

Mukaddas Ergasheva.

Press service of AF TSTU

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