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Associate professor from the village of Lashkerak


Lashkerak is a remote area 28 km from the city of Angren. Secondary school No. 31, located at the foot of high mountains, has a capacity of 120 places and currently has 87 students.

Lashkerak is a remote area 28 km from the city of Angren. Secondary school No. 31, located at the foot of high mountains, has a capacity of 120 places and currently has 87 students.

At the beginning of the event, First Deputy Director for Youth Affairs and Spiritual Educational Work B. Dzhamiev spoke about the current successes of Zamira Mirzakarimova and her work in the branch. After this, professors and teachers of the branch spoke, classmates, relatives spoke about the scientist’s activities, and students expressed words of gratitude.

The associate professor also met with school students and talked about her childhood, studies at school and further achievements. Musical and poetic performances prepared by talented students and high school students gave the participants a special mood.

The family where Z. Mirzakarimova grew up had 10 children. Most importantly, they all chose the teaching profession and today they work in the fields of higher and public education.

The event held within the framework of “The School Where the Scientist Studied” is one of the many projects carried out at the AF TSTU.

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