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Department for handling appeals from individuals and legal entities, control and monitoring


Ibadlaev Server

Job title: Head of the Department for handling appeals from individuals and legal entities, control and monitoring
Accepting days : Every day from 14:00 to 16:00
Phone : +99893 187 13 01

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Main tasks of the Department for handling appeals from individuals and legal entities, control and monitoring:

  • Ensuring control and monitoring of the implementation in the branch of decrees and resolutions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Cabinet of Ministers, modemograms, telephone messages, letters of authorization, collegial decisions of the Ministry, regulatory documents in the field of higher education, as well as timely, high-quality provision of information on their implementation in monitoring and control department under the Ministry and relevant departments;
  • Preparation of materials and proposals for improving and reforming the education sector to the education system management bodies (ministry, rector’s office, Academic Council);
  • Development and implementation of a system for ensuring the execution of orders and decisions of the branch;      
  • Organization and conduct of internal quality control of advanced training and retraining of teaching staff;      
  • Implements a rating method for assessing the activities of professors and teachers.      
  • Provides specific proposals to the branch management for the prevention, solution of these problems and shortcomings, conclusions on the suitability of authorized employees for their positions.      
  • Monitoring compliance in the branch and in related educational institutions (institute for advanced training, lyceum, etc.) with regulatory documents on education, as well as educational standards.      
  • Participation in meetings of all types that take place in the branch and related educational institutions.       
  • Requiring from faculties, departments and other structural units the necessary documents to study the activities of the educational institution in order to fulfill their official duties, as well as attracting specialists on these issues.      
  • Consideration of all types of theoretical and practical classes, state certification, defense of final qualifying works, course projects (works).      
  • Creation of groups in the prescribed manner with the involvement of qualified professors – teachers of the branch to study issues locally, within the powers of the department.      
  • Organizes and controls the timely study of all requests received through the virtual reception of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the People’s Reception, hotline, website, mail and official website, as well as from individuals and legal entities during personal reception and mobile reception of the branch management, in strict accordance with the Law “On Appeals of Individuals and Legal Entities”; Reports in the form of analytical tables on the consideration of requests from individuals and legal entities are prepared and submitted to management in the prescribed manner.      
  • Activities of the Department for handling appeals from individuals and legal entities, control and monitoring is discussed at meetings of the branch council and a report is submitted to the monitoring department of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation.
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