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A training seminar was held

A psychological training seminar on the topics “Gratitude”, “My family, my talent” was conducted by branch psychologist Matluba Yulchieva among 2nd-year students of the Faculty of Metallurgy and Chemical Technologies of the AF TSTU. The purpose of training is to determine the psychological climate in the group, the type of …

A training seminar was held Read more

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Activities of the public group “Shield”

Students of the Almalyk branch of TSTU created the public group “Shield”. The branch director met with members of this group. At the meeting, branch director A. Samadov, deputy director for youth affairs, spiritual and educational work B. Dzhamiev and prevention inspector Major A. Khaidarov gave the necessary understanding and …

Activities of the public group “Shield” Read more

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The effectiveness of the spiritual and educational activities of the branch was studied

In order to study the conditions created for quality education, the effectiveness of spiritual and educational work in the Almalyk branch of TSTU, the responsible representative of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Abdukhalil Mavrulov, head of the regional branch of …

The effectiveness of the spiritual and educational activities of the branch was studied Read more

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