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Republican scientific and technical conference at AB TSTU


The Almalyk branch of TSTU hosted a republican scientific and technical conference on the topic “Problems, prospects and innovative approaches to the effective processing of mineral raw materials and industrial waste”, as well as “Prospects for the extraction and processing of mineral raw materials through the eyes of young scientists.” The scientific conference was organized in connection with the 75th anniversary of the largest industrial enterprise – the Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Combine.

The conference was attended by representatives of the Tashkent region department of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, the Samarkand Institute of Veterinary Medicine, the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, the management of the Almalyk branch of the Moscow State Technical University MISiS, and industry specialists from Almalyk KMK JSC.

At the opening of the conference, the director of the Almalyk branch of TSTU, Professor A. Samadov, the management of the Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Plant – deputy chief engineer of the plant for science A. Khasanov, the head of the department of management of higher education, science and innovation of the Tashkent region Sh. Kamilova, the director of the Almalyk branch of the National Research Technological Institute MISiS University F. Umarov wished the participants success in the conference.

Problems, proposals and solutions on the topics “Prospects and innovative approaches to the extraction of mineral resources based on intensive technologies”, “Prospects and innovative approaches to the enrichment, chemical processing and metallurgical industry of mineral raw materials and industrial waste”, “The approach of the younger generation to resource-saving mining technologies and processing of mineral raw materials” and other lectures at sectional meetings were heard and discussed by industry experts and scientific researchers.

The Republican Scientific and Technical Conference continues on May 16.

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