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The next Council of the AB TSTU was held

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Today the next council of the Almalyk branch of TSTU took place. Information on all issues on the agenda was heard by council members and appropriate decisions were made. Issues such as improving the system for forming a state order for enrollment in higher educational institutions, organizing meetings of students and graduates in their specialties with representatives of enterprises and providing them with jobs, information on costs incurred in the 2023-2024 academic year, a list of those recommended for publication were considered textbooks and teaching aids, discussion of official documents of employees applying for the academic title of associate professor, and the conclusion of agreements with the media.

At the beginning of the Council, the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Metallurgy and Chemical Technology N. Nosirov was awarded a certificate for the academic title of Associate Professor, the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Energy and Mechanical Engineering R. Tashmatov and the senior teacher of the Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology Sh. Mamirov were awarded diplomas of the academic degree of Doctor of Philosophy in technical sciences.

The winners of the republican competition among students “Ulugbek vorislari” are students of the Almalyk branch of TSTU F. Mirusmonova – scientific supervisor R. Mirzaakhmedov, D. Zhadilova – scientific supervisor D. Mirkhamitova and active participants in this competition O. Khusniddinova – scientific supervisor T. Zhumakulov, D. Tursunbaeva – scientific director M. Zhumaev received letters of gratitude from the management and staff of the branch.

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