🔷On January 24, 2024, the next Council of the TSTU AF was held. The Council heard analytical reports of deputy directors on the effectiveness of educational, scientific, methodological, spiritual and educational work carried out in the branch in 2023 according to the agenda of the council.
🔷In the Almalyk branch of TSTU, work is being carried out to ensure the implementation of the tasks included in the state program in the “Year of Attention to People and Quality Education”, increasing the efficiency of research activities in the industry, working on corporate cooperation with manufacturing enterprises and scientific institutions, and has also been analyzed work done on initiative 5. The indicators presented in the reports showed the problems that need to be addressed, as well as the effectiveness of the branch. The priority tasks of the branch were determined at a meeting of the Council, held in an analytical and critical spirit.
🔷The Council also recognized teams and members who worked effectively over the past year.
🔷“The faculty that made the greatest contribution to the ranking” is the Faculty of Metallurgy and Chemical Technology
🔷“The department that made the greatest contribution to the ranking” – Department of Chemical Technology
🔷“Assistant professor who made the greatest contribution to the ranking” – Toshtemirov U.
🔷“The assistant who made the greatest contribution to the rating” – E. Yuldashev
🔷“Senior teacher who made the greatest contribution to the ranking” – Kh. Israilova
🔷“The most active department in terms of scientific projects” – the Department of Metallurgy
🔷“The most promising department in scientific activity” – Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology
🔷“The most active department in international cooperation” – the department of general professional and economic sciences
🔷“Highest Performance Department” – Correspondence Department
🔷“The best scientist-propagandist” – A. Samadov
🔷“Best Inventor” – D. Rismukhamedov
🔷“Employee with maximum efficiency” – R. Tokhtaev
🔷“The most active tutor” – Norboev Zh.
🔷In the republican tournament “Zakovat” among students of secondary special and vocational educational institutions, the team of academic lyceums of the Almalyk branch of the TSTU “Wast idea” took 1st place among 60 teams and the lyceum team was also awarded a diploma.