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The project “The school where the student studied” continues


Bekhzod Abdurafikov, is a master’s student at the Faculty of Energy and Mechanical Engineering with a degree in mechanical engineering, the head of the youth academy, a recipient of the Presidential State Scholarship and personal scholarships.

The next event within the framework of the “School where the student studied” project took place at school No. 52 in the city of Nurabad, where B. Abdurafikov studied.

The first deputy director for youth affairs and spiritual and educational work B. Dzhamiev and the deputy director for spiritual and educational work of secondary school No. 52 B. Saifullaev spoke at the event and expressed their sincere wishes.

During the event, gifted school students and branch students A. Ismatov and B. Makhmudov performed their concert numbers. B. Abdurafikov also spoke about his achievements at the Almalyk branch of TSTU, about how he became the owner of a scholarship, about participation in the intellectual game “Zakovat” and other competitions.

The branch management presented the school with a collection of art books, and B. Abdurafikov’s parents and teachers were presented with letters of gratitude.

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